Now that the hard part, saying the actual word, “Death”, is out of the way, let us proceed.
People are born, they live, and then they die. We often fear that which we know very little or nothing about. That which scares so many is the cold fact that death is an unavoidable one-way trip. With a couple of notable Biblical exceptions, none return. “Death is so final”, said a friend recently.
Death is viewed with a different lens if you are old instead of young. An obituary announces the passing of a man in his 80's and the reaction is well, he was due. If, however, it is a child, then it's a miscarriage of justice. A celestial mistake. A heavenly error. Regardless of age, death is death.
What if death is not final? What if death is only a transition? Discarding one tent (body) then replacing it with a new, indestructible body? We know that as soon as we are born, taking our first breath, we start on the glide slope of decay heading for the touch down where we breathe no more. What if our short stream of years on earth is only a warm-up for the big time. The big time as in ETERNITY! Stay tuned. We will be looking at that next.


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