Continue steadfastly in prayer, being watchful in it with thanksgiving. Colossians 4:2
Now I lay me down to sleep, I pray the Lord my soul to keep. If I should die before I wake, I pray the Lord my soul to take. This was my nightly prayer as a young child. It was also the prayer of my children, on their knees at bedside. God loves honestly simple prayer. HE cherishes prayer spoken from the heart, in your own words, in your own style. Most of all, HE loves to hear your voice.
We recently held a small prayer service for those involved in the Charleston Church shooting. A family moved to the front of the sanctuary in the shadow of the cross, knelt with their arms around each other and prayed. Dad began, then Mom, and finally the young child. Each of them raising their voices to the creator of all that is, pouring the contents of their heart into the ear of the LORD. I later learned that this family prayer included forgiveness and the hope of salvation for the disturbed shooter.
And the prayer of faith will save the one who is sick, and the Lord will raise him up. And if he has committed sins, he will be forgiven. James 5:15
Prayer helps us to learn how to be unselfish. How to share. How to care for others and be sincere in their well being and station with Jesus. It is through HIM that we have opportunity to come before our FATHER, to have audience, to be in HIS Holy presence by prayer. Prayer is a big deal! Prayer is the very language of GOD.
All these with one accord were devoting themselves to prayer, together with the women and Mary the mother of Jesus, and his brothers. Acts 1:14


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